Cerebrology®, a new science that uses natural methods to enhance our brain.

The new science and system you are reading about, uses non-verbal exercises to make improvements.

The important part of the process is that it is like opening a file in an office cabinet; if you want to adjust the contents, first you have to retrieve the file. We can only make changes when it is opened but the changes are lasting.

We can update any specific information that we feel would have the most benefit to us, using this new science.

Now we can automatically unconditionally love ourselves, stop the reaction of being jealous or instantly look and see our own beauty in the eyes of others, without having to alter our thoughts at all. This growth is a part of us, not something we have to remember.

The part of our brain we are working on is in control of the lens we use to instantly add value and meaning to everything we see. This is work on the part of our brain that gives us our self-image and  body image. Having clarity of perception will enhance our experience of life.

We use natural techniques to enhance the non-verbal part of our brain. This part of our brain prepares us for each situation we are about to have and just as we prepare differently for the water after we learn how to float than we did before we knew how to float, we now can have a better experience of ourselves in many things. The experience we have of ourselves after we learn to float allows us to enjoy the water more as well. As we have a better perception of ourselves in a situation, we have a better perception of our relationship. We now have a lasting understanding that will create a much richer experience.

How we automatically and instantly prepare for things inside our brain alters how we experience ourselves, our life and every relationship we have. When we grow in this way, we have an intent that creates experiences we would not have been able to have before.

For more information on Cerebology® certification trainings, please contact Bob@Ichangereality.com or Bob@Cerebrology.org

There a free exercises at I Change Reality.

Thank you,

Bob Milstein

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