I want to do an experiment that will demonstrate that we can rewrite conditioning quickly and easily.

I want to show as well, that we can improve our perceptions when we rewrite conditioning, in other words, bring clarity to the lens we use to see ourselves and our world.

Conditioning is a small program that is re-recorded over and over.

An example of creating conditioning is, there is a rat in a cage, first a light comes on and immediately afterward the rat gets a shock. If the light and shock combination happens enough times, the rat begins automatically preparing for a shock, this is what conditioning is…it is a program that automatically prepares us for something.

All animals are also conditioned to have responses to different situations, (we are animals too)  by their parents. We all use empathy and emulation to learn how to prepare for all the situations we will be in, based on how our parents felt about them and this is conditioning as well.

The scientists that conditioned the rat stopped giving the rat shocks. The first time a light came on and there was no shock afterward, the rat re-recorded the experience the preparation itself gave to the rat, the preparation, preparing to be shocked, has a feeling that is bad in and by itself.

The bad feeling of the preparation, after the light came on, was re-recorded and now the rat automatically prepared for that bad feeling to happen when the light came on the next time….and the next time….

Each time the light came on, the rat had this automatic preparation happen and re-recorded it.

What is important for us to understand is, we have to re-record this each time.

When the latest experiments are done on conditioning, the rat is given some medication so that it is unable to re-record the anxiety or stress from the preparation.

When the rat does not re-record the bad feeling the preparation created, the next time the light comes on, it does not prepare for anything, it just sees things better because there is more light.

A conditioning program “prepares” us. The program changes how we feel in our body and alters our perceptions. If we are tense, anxious, fearful or self conscious and look at people, we will add how we feel to the experience and see that in their eyes.  We will re-record that and continue to have the same conditioned response over and over.

I want to do an experiment to show how quickly and easily it is to change our conditioning.

I am going to have people that are uncomfortable being on a stage, people that do not like their appearance, and people that want to see how lovable they are when others look at them, because they do not see love in others eyes now, in the experiment.

We are going to measure the test groups pulse, blood pressure, lung capacity, breath rate, flexibility and range of motion before the test group goes onstage, when they are onstage, and after they go offstage.

If the people in the experiment are conditioned in a way that prepares them for something bad, the preparation will give them an elevated pulse, lowered flexibility and more. The automatic preparation will give them a feeling and experience that is re-recorded each time they go onstage.

We are going to do a workshop and measure the test group with the same measurements after they do the workshop We will measure the test group before they go onstage, onstage and after they leave the stage.

If they have rewritten their old conditioning, they should have improved measurements in comparison to the previous results.

We will measure the same test group eight weeks after the workshop, before they go onstage, onstage and after they leave the stage.

If we have successfully and permanently rewritten the old conditioning, the test group should continue to have improved results on the measurements.

The important questions we need to also ask them are:

Did they see their own beauty and did they see their beauty in the eyes of others that looked at them?

Second question, did they see love in the eyes of others when others looked at them?

Third question, were they able to see more of the beauty in others after they were able to experience how beautiful and lovable they were?

Fourth question, did they have a better experience of everything after the workshop and what improved?

We will also be asking the test group for anecdotal subjective information, if they would like to provide it, about the differences they have experienced since the workshop.

We bring flowers when something beautiful happens, inside of us. Our heart opens and we see only the beauty that already exists. Beauty is in us, all we do is open our heart, the world mirrors us.

Category: Brain Science

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