Tag Archives: brain

Intent creates the theme to our stories, what is the secret to improving our intent?

Intent creates the themes to the stories we have in our dreams and intent is what creates the relationships we have when we are awake. How do we create intent …

Creating Love

  What is the secret to love? I can tell you the secret to love but even more than tell you I can show you. The way we are conditioned …

Seeing our own beauty in the eyes of others the Body Mind Spirit Workshop

The first two exercises we use rewrite the conditioning that inhibits us from being able to see our beauty in the eyes of others. The video is showing the last …

Body Language

In a recent experiment, men were asked to rank how attractive they found photographs of different women’s faces. The photos were eight by ten inches, and showed women facing the …

No more fear in love

The secret is out…how we change reality in relationships. Relationships that people do not care about seem to have fewer problems than relationships with people that are very deeply in …

Cerebrology is different than all other brain enhancements, except sports

To be a professional athlete one must practice. Professional athletes practice their skills so much they are able to see the ball much better and they can have the reactions …

How does our brain effect reality on the level of physics?

  What is the real secret? Cerebrology can enhance our intent; our intent is an automatic non-verbal part of us. You may think of intent as who we are or …

Our brain controls our story and reality

Welcome back to another in the series of blogs about how our brain automatically alters our story and reality. In our brain there is an actual “worry circuit” that is …

How does our conditioning control our life?

Learning how we automatically create our unique experience and story, has to include how we change our reality. What happens in our brain alters how we experience ourselves, this changes …

Our brain, placebo’s and nocebo’s

  If we had the power to alter our reality, would you want the ability to control what you create? Let us discuss the issue of our health as an …

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